House District 28; born February 4, 1911, Chattanooga, Tennessee; married
to Lillian Davis; one child and a granddaughter; Retired Educator and Real
Estate Broker; BS Tennessee State University; MED Atlanta University; post
graduate University of Wisconsin; President local chapter of Tennessee
Voter’s Council, a founder and co-chairman of State TVC; 1941 plaintiff
for equalization of salaries for the Chattanooga school system. Attorneys
Henry Elmore and Thurgood Marshall; delegate to the White House Conference
on Children and Youth 1960; life member NEA, NAACP, Tennessee Federation
of the Aged, NAASP, and Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity; city of Chattanooga
Ambassador of Good Will Certificates 1968; invited by President John F.
Kennedy and attended a conference for educators at the White House; Distinguished Service Plaque from the Chattanooga Chapter of the NAACP; Appreciation Award from Chattanooga City College for Meritorious Service; Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity's Man of the Year Award; 1973 Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity's
Distinguished Service Award; Achievement Award of the National Association
for Study of Afro-American Life and History 1977; Orchard Knob Baptist
Church Outstanding Christian Service Award 1977; Trustee and Chairman Board
of Directors Orchard Knob Baptist Church; National Business League Board;
Invited to the White House for briefing by President Lyndon B. Johnson
and President Jimmy Carter; The Clarence B. Robinson Bridge across the
Tennessee River in Chattanooga was named in his honor in 1981; TSU's National
and Local Distinguished Service Awards 1981; National Man of the Year Award,
Phi Delta Kappa Sorority, 1977; Chairman Emeritus Black Caucus Tennessee
General Assembly; Democratic Platform Advisory Committee 1980; Kappa Laurel
Wreath Commission; Received TEA's E. Harper Johnson Award 1982; C.B. Robinson
Classroom named in his honor at the Orchard Knob Baptist Church 1977; Outstanding
Service Award from the Hamilton County Democratic Party 1985; Orchard Park
Seventh Day Adventist Church "Citizen Award" 1985; C.B. Robinson
Scholarship Fund established at the Orchard Knob Baptist Church 1984; C.B.
Robinson Scholarship Fund established in his honor by the Howard High School
Class of '29 - 1979; in 1983 invited by President Ronald Reagan to the
White House Conference on the Aged; elected Vice Chairman of the House
Democratic Caucus 1985; Convener of the Black Elected Official's Network
of Chattanooga-Hamilton County 1984-85; presented Citizen of the Year Award
by Prince Hall Grand Lodge F.&A.M. of Tennessee; Greater Brainerd Associated
Jaycees Honorary Life Member 1984; secured from R.J. Reynold's Tobacco
Company $1000.00 dollars for the Afro-American Heritage Council Museum;
at his 6th Annual Appreciation Dinner was presented by friends an oil painted
portrait by Herman Sardin, a former student and nationally renowned artist
1984; The Institute for the Study of Education Policy from Howard University
held a reception in C.B. Robinson's honor at The John F. Kennedy Center
in Washington D.C. in 1984. The ISEP Monitor, a quarterly publication of
the institute, gave 27 pages including the cover to the Life Story of Representative
C.B. Robinson five pages in an additional edition covered the reception
and a speech Mr. Robinson delivered there. Member of 89th, 90th, 91st,
92nd, 93rd, 94th, 96th 97th, and 98th General Assemblies.
After Thirty-nine years in education and eighteen years in the Tennessee Legislature, he retired November 1992. He is the recipient of the 1993 School Bell Award and the Tennessee State University Alumni Award, Chattanooga Chapter.