User Satisfaction Survey For Faculty/Staff Members

See Survey Results

Your library is striving to meet your needs.  We need your input.  Please take time to answer the questions below and let us know how we are serving you.   Thank you.

All questions must be answered for a valid survey

Semester                                                     Year                         
(1) Which Areas Do You Teach/Conduct Research? (Please check all that applies)   
1. Sciences 2.Humanities 3.Social Sciences 4.Applied Sciences 5.Fine Arts 6.Other
(2) Are you?  (Please check all that applies) 
1. Tenure Faculty 2.Tenure-Track Faculty 3.Non-Tenure-Track, Adjunct Faculty 4.Main Campus 5.Avon Williams Campus
( (3) How often do you visit or use the library physically?(Please check the most appropriate category)
1.This is my first time 2.Quarterly 3.Monthly 4.Weekly 5.Two to Three Times a Week 6.Never (Please tell us the reason)
(4) How often have you used the electronic Resources, Services and Online Catalog?
1.This is my first time 2.Quarterly 3.Monthly 4.Weekly 5.Two to Three Times a Week 6.Never (Please tell us the reason)
(5) How often have you used the following services?
1.Bibliographic Instructions 2.Interlibrary Loan 3.Docutek (Electronic Reserves) 4.Physical Reserves 5.Circulation Desk Service 6.Ask Us 7.Online Book and/or Journal Request
(6) Do you easily find the materials or information you need?
1.Always 2.Sometimes 3.Rarely 4.Never
(7) Which format do you prefer for books and journals?
1.Electronic 2.Print 3.Microform 4.No preference
(8) What are the most effective ways to inform you about the library resources and services?
1.Library Web Site 2.Library Liaisons 3.Reference Librarians 4.Acquisitions Librarians 5.Items on the University Communications 6.E-mails 7.Library's News Blog 8.Fliers 9.Other
(9) How would you rate the following collections?
  Excellent Fair Poor N/A
Print Books 3 2 1 0
Electronic Books 3 2 1 0
Print Journals 3 2 1 0
Electronic Journals 3 2 1 0
Newspapers 3 2 1 0
Government Documents 3 2 1 0
Special Collections 3 2 1 0
Video recordings 3 2 1 0
DVDs 3 2 1 0
Other 3 2 1 0
(9) How would you rate the following services?
  Excellent Fair Poor N/A
Bibliographic Instructions 3 2 1 0
Interlibrary Loan 3 2 1 0
Docutek(Electronic Reserves) 3 2 1 0
Physical Reserves 3 2 1 0
Circulation Desk Service 3 2 1 0
Ask Us 3 2 1 0
Online Book and/or Journal Request 3 2 1 0


When you have completed the survey, type the word blue into the box above and then click the submit button. Thank you!

Copyright © 2010 [Tennessee State University Library]. All rights reserved.
Revised: December 09, 2010