BIOL 5130
301 Harned Hall
963-5782 |
one of the many thistles found on roadsides |
Evolution Involving More Than One Locus
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Disequilibrium (s2)
of evolution at two or more loci depend on haplotype frequencies
- Probability of genes co-occurring
if there is no linkage or selection, etc. is the product of the gene frequency
for each allele
A1 |
A2 |
B1 |
p1q1 |
p1q1 |
B2 |
p1q2 |
p2q2 |
- When deviations occur, they add up to 0 (as the total must still equal 1)
- D is
the Linkage
Disequilibrium between these loci
(notice they are in equilibrium when D = 0)
- Physical linkage on a chromosome is only one reason
for disequilibrium
- Disequilibrium is undone by recombination and
will decline each generation
Dt+1 = (1
- r)*Dt
- Where D is disequilibrium proportion and r is the
frequency of recombination
- The probability of recombination for linked genes
depends on the distance between
genes and
increases as the
- Disequilibrium can be maintained by:
- Non-Random Mating - phenotypes preferring
to mate with same phenotype will associate genes and cause
permanent D
- Selection - if particular haplotypes are fittest,
selection will promote their association
- if fitness of a haplotype is the product of the
individual fitnesses of the alleles in the haplotype, the process of decline
of the disequilibrium produced is described by the equation above and, given
time, the fittest genes will not be any more associated than their frequencies
would predict
- if the fitness is produced by
epistasis, then fitness is determined by the presence of
both alleles and may decline rapidly when
an allele is not found associated with the "right" partner. In
this case, fitness can lead to permanent disequilibrium
(equilibrium is reached with D > 0)
- Drift - random chance can cause associations, which
will then be subject to the process of decline described by the equation
- It should also be noted that mitotic asexuality
will also preserve linkage disequilibrium, as no recombination occurs
may affect an allele's frequency
For closely linked loci,
fitness of alleles at one allele may affect the frequency of alleles at
the linked locus
- Start with a population
that is homozygous for allele A at locus 1 and heterozygous for
alleles B and B at locus 2
- Alleles B and B are
equally fit and only drift changes their frequency each generation
- A new,
most fit allele (say, A2) arises
by mutation at locus 1 and the individual with the mutation happens
to have allele B2 at locus
- A2 is strongly selected
for and increases in frequency rapidly
- Allele B2 is the
hitch-hiker that will also increase in frequency, not because selection
favors it but because
selection favors a neighboring locus
Although recombination
will break the association between A2 and B2 by producing A2B1 haplotypes,
the process is slow for closely linked loci and will only offset the action
of strong selection over the long term
Sweeps are hitch-hiking gone wild
- When an allele arises by mutation that is most
fit, it can proceed to fixation rapidly (this is seen to happen in microbial
populations with some regularity)
- The regions near the new allele all hitch-hike
to fixation where recombination is so slow that no new haplotypes arise
during the sweep
- for loci farther away from the new allele,
recombination will preserve alleles as it produces new haplotypes before
- So selective sweeps can lower genetic variation
at more than just one locus
Adaptive Landscapes can describe complex fitness epistasis for multiple
- Easiest to see as a graphical system, with one
axis always fitness and the other axis the frequency of alleles at a locus
(more loci, more axes)
- the fitness curve will have peaks and valleys
- selection will always proceed up a fitness peak
- if local peak is not most fit peak, the population
reaches a local equilibrium with a lower average fitness than the potential
maximum fitness
- This is where Wright brings in population size
- in small populations (or populations subdivided
into small sub-populations), drift may move a population from one valley
side to the other, and so the
begin to
climb toward a new peak
- This is the Shifting Balance Theory
- I will present a powerpoint with some material
on this subject
Last updated February