The TRADE BUILDING erected 1914 and located west of the GENTRY COMPLEX contained the heating plant and the necessary machinery, which were run by two electric motors. By 1918 with a large annex by students in the mechanical department, the building accommodated, in addition to the heating plant, a gymnasium for student activities, auto mechanics, blacksmithing, carpentry, engineering, manual training, painting, printing and shoemaking departments. During World War I, the State Legislature recommended that the institution become a military training school, and this building housed the R.O.T. C. Armory. By 1922 the TRADE BUILDING was called the MEN'S INDUSTRIAL BUILDING. With construction of new buildings throughout the campus in 1927, including a heating plant, all heating apparatus was moved to its own facility. This new heating plant was located behind the JANE E. ELLIOTT BUILDING. A new MEN'S INDUSTRIAL BUILDING was constructed in 1932 and the old TRADE BUILDING or MEN'S INDUSTRIAL BUILDING remained vacated until the Davis' administration when it was repaired and remodeled for use as a warehouse and an automobile repair shop.