JAMES MASON (1840- ?)
first black taxpayer was an industrious individual who was active in
various civic and charitable causes. He was an ex-slave, city policeman,
educator, and a founder of one of the city's oldest black churches.
James Mason was born in Knoxville about 1840 and was owned by Major
James Swan. As a young man, he was the Major's favorite servant and valet.
His duties were to look after the master and his horses.
Mason was fortunate that a young member of the Swan household taught
him to read. Although teaching slaves was forbidden in many areas, that
was not the case in Knoxville, where free blacks soon outnumbered slaves.
Mason also was given the opportunity to earn money on other jobs when not
needed by the Swans.
Mason eventually was given his freedom. He continued to work and save
his money, in hopes of buying his wife's freedom. He had married Betty
Fountain, a young slave woman. With the coming of Emancipation, however,
purchasing the freedom of his wife was not necessary. He used his savings
to buy a house and lot on West Cumberland Avenue in 1866, thus becoming
the city's first black property owner and taxpayer. In 1865, he had become
a charter member of Shiloh Presbyterian Church.
One of Mason's chief concerns was the plight of deaf black children
in Tennessee. As early as 1852, the board of trustees for the Tennessee
School for the Deaf had been petitioned to admit a black pupil. The request
fell on unbearing ears. In 1879, Mason established a school for deaf children
in his home. On April 4, 1881, the state legislature passed a bill establishing
a school for black deaf children, with an appropriation of
$2,500 for two years. The first session of the school opened with ten
pupils, who were initially placed in Mason's home. They ate their meals
in a log cabin, slept in another building, and went to yet another part
of the city for school work. This arrangement went on until the summer
of 1883, when the students were moved to a site on Dandridge Avenue.
In 1885, the Tennessee General Assembly appropriated money to purchase
the property and repair the buildings. By 1945, the school grounds had
increased to almost 100 acres and was serving twenty students.
Mason did not live to see the fruits of his labor manifested in the
success of the school for the state's black deaf children, but he had dared
to dream and take the initial steps for what was to come. While deeply
involved in working for deaf children and his church, Mason made his living
as a city policeman. He became Knoxville's second black policeman in 1884
and served honorably until his retirement in 1902.
Robert J. Booker