Government Documents at Tennessee State University Library


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  Government Documents Access Policy for Internet Use and the Use of Electronic Collections:  

Access to Federal Government information, in any format, provided through the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) is free to the students, faculty, staff, and the general public in accordance to Section 1911 of Title 44, United States Code.


Patrons must adhere to the Brown-Daniel Library computer use policy as stated in the Library Policies and Procedures for Computer Use. Anyone may have access to a computer terminal to view government information through the FDLP Electronic Collection (internet, CD-ROM, electronic format, GPO¨s FDsys and subscription databases such as, Marcive Web DOCS Express, Lexis Nexis.


Access includes fax and email delivery of government information to distant users and is available upon request.


Access to the collection is available during all operational hours that the library is open. Reference assistance is available during all hours that the reference staff is on duty.


Special passwords are necessary to access library computers, however, the reference staff will make available a computer terminal for those patrons who want to access government information but have no password.


Library subscription government information databases are available to the general public during all hours that the library is open. Use of subscription databases when the library is closed is limited TSU patrons only.


Printouts are available at no charge. There is a small fee of $.10 cents per page for photocopies. If the library is unable to provide adequate access to and technical support of tangible electronic products, circulation of that product will be allowed in accordance to the reference department policies of circulation of reference and government document materials. All attempts will be made to obtain the necessary hardware that meets the latest ^Recommended Specifications for Public Access Workstations in Federal Depository Libraries ̄  to run and operate an electronic product


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